On February 21, at the Bolgar Islamic Academy ceremony dedicated the International Mother Language Day was held.
It is worth noting that today in the Academy, people of more than 16 nationalities receive their education.
Acting Rector of the Academy Aynur Timerkhanov delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the event.
“We do not limit ourselves to the format, when an invited expert gives a lecture to the students. Our task is to make sure that students connect on a personal level to the events. This language day format will be beneficial to you and the organizers. I hope that today everyone will learn something new and useful that can be used in the learning process and in the process of educational activity,”– said the Acting Rector.
A lecture entitled “Native Languages in Education and mediasphere“ was delivered by Professor of Kazan Federal University, Doctor of Philological Sciences Djamilya Mustafina.
A quest entitled “Native Languages is the Soul of People” was held for the 1st and 2nd year students of the Master’s Degree program. The members of the jury were Ruslan Sayakhov, pro-rector for scientific activities, Dzhamilya Mustafina, professor at Kazan Federal University, Svetlana Aidarova, head of the theology department, Ahmad Sheikh-Mustafa, a teacher at the Academy and Gulnaz Khodzhieva, deputy head of the education department.
The quest included several stages: best business card, best translator, “Erudite” competition, “Continue proverb” and reading competition. According to the results, the 1st place was taken by the first year team “An-Nashi”, the 2nd year team “As-salam” took the second place. Prize-winners and winners of the competition were awarded certificates from the Academy.
To celebrate the International Mother Language Day the Academy library also hosted an exhibition of books, including textbooks and manuals on phonetics and morphology of the Tatar language, special features of the Arabic literary language and modern educational technologies in the field of teaching foreign languages and cultures.