  • 8 Rabi' al-Awwal 1446


International Forum “Theological Heritage of Muslims in Russia”

International Bolgar Forum “Theological Heritage of Muslims in Russia”, held at the Bolgar Islamic Academy since 2019, serves as a platform for discussion of the most pressing issues of the development of the Muslim Ummah and Islamic theology.
The main purpose of the Forum is to consolidate the efforts of scientific and expert community, public and religious leaders in discussing the problems of preservation, study and development of traditional spiritual values of the Muslim peoples of Russia, issues of revival and development of domestic Islamic theology, strengthening cultural-civilization and interreligious dialogue.

Participation can be in any of the following formats:

In person

Reading report with the provision of the paper for publication, poster presentation, participation in discussing papers, discussions


Participation via remote communication system with the provision of an article for publication


Submission of the paper for publication

The main areas of the Forum's work are:

  • The traditional view and new approaches to the preservation and study of theological heritage in the XXI century;
  • Traditions and current trends in the development of Islamic theological thought;
  • History of Islam and Islamic Culture in Russia’s Fate;
  • Intellectual tradition of Russian Islam in the context of general Muslim thought;
  • The activities of Fatwa-creating institutions in Russia and the world;
  • Identification, collection, preservation, description and digitization of samples of written heritage of Muslim peoples in Russia and neighboring countries;
  • Islamic culture and art in the context of studying the Muslim heritage of the peoples of Russia;
  • National-civil and confessional identity of Muslim youth in Russia and abroad;
  • Youth initiatives and practices of strengthening interethnic and interfaith harmony;
  • Scientific, methodological, and informational exchange of Russian and foreign scientists’ achievements in the development of higher Islamic education.

History of the Forum

In 2019 – 2022 more than 850 scholars of theology and specialists from more than 25 countries took part in the Forum. This indicates a sustained interest in the development of Islam, Muslim religious education and enlightenment, the strengthening of traditional values, taking into account modern realities, the expansion and development of cultural, civilization and interreligious dialogue in the country and the world.
Forum participants learn about the activities of the Bolgar Islamic Academy. Visit the Bolgar Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve and get acquainted with the unique samples of Muslim architecture of the XIII – XIV centuries, which are the most northern monuments of medieval Muslim architecture.

The Forum is organized by

Bolgar Islamic Academy

in partnership with its founders:

Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia


Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation


Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan


The Forum is held with the assistance of

Fund for support
of Islamic culture,
science and education

During its existence, the Forum has become a platform for broad communication between members of the public, religious and academic communities. Formats of breakout sessions and round tables, free communication within the cultural program create unique conditions for research collaborations and joint projects.  This universal format of dialogue allows elaborating common approaches, taking into account the position of the leaders of the Muslim Ummah and the academic community.

Thanks to active interaction with civil society institutions, the Forum is highly adaptable to public issues and offers solutions to the current challenges facing the Muslim ummah of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.
The Forum provides an opportunity to define the place and role of the historical and cultural heritage of Muslims of Russia in the global context and seeks to form trends based on understanding and rethinking tradition, finding the golden mean between tradition and modernity.
The working languages of the Forum are Russian, Arabic, English, and Tatar.
At the end of the Forum, collections of materials is published.

Terms of participation

Islamic scholars, theologists, religious scholars, historians,
representatives of scientific and educational organizations, students,
religious and public figures are invited to participate in the Forum.
Participants will be provided with simultaneous translation into the working languages
of the forum, as well as the necessary technical support of the event.
The popularization of the values of multicultural civil society contributes to levelling the influence of destructive ideas.
Every year the Forum confidently asserts itself as an effective platform for cooperation of Muslim theologians and representatives of academic science in order to develop methodological foundations for research related to the revival of the national theological tradition.

Past events

Past events in 2019 - 2023


I International
Bolgar Forum


II International
Bolgar Forum


III International
Bolgar Forum


IV International
Bolgar Forum


V International
Bolgar Forum


Bolgar Islamic Academy
Phone: +7 (843) 590 23 79
E-mail: forum@bolgar.academy

1A Kul Gali St., Bolgar, Republic of Tatarstan, 422840, Russian Federation

Representative office in Kazan:

6/15 Zayni Sultana St., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420021, Russian Federation