On January 19 in Ufa under the leadership of the deputy head of the office of the President of the Russian Federation for domestic policy Anatoly Vylegzhanin held a meeting “Problems of increasing the effectiveness of the system of higher Islamic education in Russia”. The event was held with the assistance of the fund for the support of Islamic culture, science and education. The meeting summarized the results of 2023 and developed a work plan of the Council on Islamic Education for 2024.
The discussion was attended by rectors of Islamic higher educational institutions, representatives of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the council for Islamic education, the fund for the support of Islamic culture, science and education. Bolgar Islamic Academy was represented by rector Farkhat Khusnutdinov and vice-rector for educational activities Rustem Gilmutdinov.
During the meeting, Rafik Mukhametshin, director of the council for Islamic education, rector of the Russian Islamic institute and Kazan Islamic university, made a report on the results of the council’s activities in 2023 and spoke about plans for 2024.
In turn, Talgat khazrat Tadzhuddin, speaking about Bolgar Islamic Academy, emphasized that the university has a great responsibility, including the strengthening of unity in the religious educational sphere.
Giving the floor to the rector of the Bolgar Islamic Academy, Anatoly Vylegzhanin noted that today the educational institution is rightfully a flagship in the field of Islamic education.
Speaking to his colleagues, Farkhat Khusnutdinov noted the high level of work of the council on Islamic education, including the development of criteria for the effectiveness of Islamic universities and monitoring of educational organizations.
“The rating of Islamic higher education institutions compiled on the basis of the monitoring results is a starting point for rethinking our work. At the same time, fixation of personal results gives a certain idea of the strengths and weaknesses of our activities. Also the presented analysis gives an opportunity to consider the state of higher Islamic education and develop a proposal for improvement”, – emphasized the rector of the academy.
Analyzing the results of monitoring, Farkhat Khusnutdinov also noted the importance of providing universities with qualified personnel, including in the field of administration and methodological support of scientific and educational process. This proposal was supported by Anatoly Vylegzhaninin, who set the task to develop a methodical educational course for the staff and teachers of higher Islamic educational institutions.
“As for improving the efficiency of the educational system itself, the cluster approach implemented within the development of the Bolgar scientific and educational cluster is of particular interest here. The support of state authorities at the federal and regional levels is also important here,” concluded Farkhat Khusnutdinov, highlighting the cluster approach.
It should be noted that within the framework of the inspection of the commission for Public accreditation of the council for Islamic education on the results of 2023, Bolgar Islamic academy showed the highest results.