On 1 June, rector of the Bolgar Islamic academy Farkhat Khusnutdinov had a working meeting with the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of the Russian Federation and council of muftis of Russia, mufti Sheikh Ravil khazrat Gaynutdin. The meeting was also attended by first deputy chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of the Russian Federation Damir Khazrat Mukhetdinov, deputy chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of the Russian Federation for international affairs Rushan khazrat Abbyasov, head of the department of science and education of the spiritual administration of muslims of the Russian Federation Ilgizar khazrat Davletshin.
During the conversation, the rector spoke about the activities of the academy and shared the nearest plans for the development of the educational organization. In turn, Ravil khazrat expressed his gratitude to the rector of the academy for assistance in holding the VIII All-Russian scientific and practical conference “readings named after Shigabutdin Marjani”, timed to the 200th anniversary of Husain Faizkhanov, the year of teacher and mentor and the meeting of the strategic vision group “Russia – Islamic World”. Within the framework of the conference, the representative office of the Bolgar Islamic academy in Kazan hosted a section of young scholars and postgraduate students “Islamic theology in Russia: great traditions, modern experience and guidelines for development”.
Ravil khazrat Gainutdin noted the readiness of the spiritual administration of muslims of the Russian Federation to provide comprehensive support in the implementation of the academy’s projects. It was also noted the necessity to develop close co-operation in scientific and educational sphere with leading higher educational institutions in the humanities and academic structures of the country.