  • 22 Rajab 1446



The library of Bolgar Islamic Academy is a collection of books on various fields concerning Islam. One of the main tasks of the library is to preserve the theological heritage, which will help the city of Bolgar fulfill its spiritual mission and develop as a scientific and theological center.
The Academy’s library collection houses more than 24 thousand books in such areas as Islamic dogma, Islamic law, Quranic sciences, hadith studies, the history of Islam, the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), theology, and more. One of the library’s key responsibilities is to conserve theological heritage, which helps the Academy fulfill its spiritual mission.

The library’s mission is to help improve the quality of education and science by providing innovative library and information products and services to researchers, teachers, students of Bolgar Islamic Academy and its partners.

The library has an electronic catalog called MegaPro, which contains the Academy’s full book collection. All books are radio-tagged, allowing readers to use the self-service station to search, order, and lend out books.
The reading hall is equipped with monoblock PCs and access to the electronic library systems Znanium, Maktaba Shamila, Waqfeya, and other electronic book storage bases, which meet a large portion of the demands of applicants and academic staff for highly specialized resources.

The library educates students to the treasures of world and domestic literature through thematic events and book exhibitions, contributing to their spiritual and moral development and broadening their horizons.

Contact us:

Elena Sosnovskikh – Chief librarian

1A Kul Gali St., Bolgar, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.
Work hours: 8:00 ­– 17:00

Phone: +7 (843) 590-23-72
Fax: +7 (84347) 3-15-19
E-mail: Elena.Sosnovskih@tatar.ru