  • 11 Muharram 1446


Academic Council

The Academic Council, without which no scientific institution can exist, was established at the Academy for the purpose of discussing and resolving the Academy’s most critical scientific and pedagogical concerns in a collegial setting.

The issues considered at the Academic Council are divided into three main categories:

managerial (organizing staff conferences, establishing research and educational structural units, etc.)
academic, methodological, research, information analysis (approval of local regulations, consideration of annual plans and reports of research work, etc.)
personnel (holding competitions for hiring research assistants, submissions for the conferring of academic titles, etc.)
One of the factors of the active work of the Academic Council is the constant expansion of the range of academic programs, the introduction of new additional professional programs for advanced training in demanded fields.

Members of the Academic Council of Bolgar Islamic Academy

Farkhat Khusnutdinov – Rector of the Academy, PhD in Law, chairman;

Milyausha Kiyamova – Head of the Department of office work and execution control, PhD in Philology, academic secretary;

Rushan Abbyasov – Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, member of the Council of Founders of the Academy, PhD in Philosophy;

Ilfar Khasanov – First Deputy Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Council of Founders of the Academy;

Rinat Raev – Mufti, Chairman of the Regional Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan Regions of the Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia, Rector of the Russian Islamic University, Deputy Supreme Mufti of the Central Spiritual Board;

Rustem Gilmutdinov – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities;

Ainur Sultanov – Vice-Rector for Development of the Academy;

Gulgena Gainutdinova – Head of the department of Education;

Svetlana Aydarova – Deputy Head of the department of Education – Head of the Department of Theology, PhD in Education, Associate Professor;

Ramil Gizzatullin – Head of the Department of Religious and Humanitarian Disciplines, Doctor of Islamic Sciences;

Suleiman Rakhimov – Head of the Islamic Heritage Center of the Academy, Honoured Cultural Worker of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Elmira Sadykova – Head of the Interreligious Dialogue Center of the Academy, Executive Director of the Fund for Strategic Dialogue and Partnership with the Islamic World, member of the Strategic Vision Group “Russia – Islamic World”, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor;

Muhammad Aiman al-Zahrawi – lecturer at the Academy, Doctor of Shariah Sciences;

Saif al-Asri – lecturer at the Academy, Doctor of Shariah Sciences;

Anwar Ahmad Ghulam Mohiuddin Al Baghdadi – lecturer at the Academy, Rector of Dar al-Ulum Alimiyyah, Doctor of Shariah Sciences;

Ahmad Sheikh Mustafa – lecturer at the Academy, Doctor of Philology;

Artyom Sayt – student at the Academy.